
Showing posts from May, 2016

I Have Seen It's True Face

It's a weird time to be a DC Comics fan. The movies based on those comics aren't all that great ; the constant albatross  that keeps hanging around the company's neck is bad for their PR image; the majority of the stories told in those New 52 comics aren't compelling ; and doing line-wide reboots  every few years keeps fans confused about which timeline to invest their money, time, and energy on (though DC is not calling this a reboot). But the big secret behind this Rebirth reboot-not-a-reboot is that Dr. Manhattan (from Watchman) was behind the creation of the New 52 DC Universe. This means that Watchman is now canon in the DC universe.  So the entirety of New 52 universe stories are a huge giant sequel to Watchman? Does this mean grim-gritty-grimdark New 52 DC universe? Will the Joker be the Comedian in disguise?  Will  Owlman in Earth-3 secretly be Nite Owl ? Will Silk Spectre kill Wonder Woman and take her place? Will Rorshach fight Batma...

Still On About This

I sit here, wondering why I'm so angry over Batman v Superman (hereafter called BvS). You see, I saw Captain America: Civil War (hereafter called CA:CW), and I thought it was a great film. I began to wonder, how could BvS be so bad, but CA:CW be so good? It's not like Warner Bros. set out to make a terrible film. I'm sure nobody there sat down and thought "I am going to greenlight this movie, spend money on this project, and produce a bad film that will insult not only the intelligence of the fanbase, but general audiences everywhere! This will produce a profit for us!" No sane person thinks this. But BvS comes out, then CA:CW comes out, and suddenly we have a basis for comparison that either amplifies the goodness of CA:CW, or amplifies the badness of BvS, or both.  How could this happen? A few theories come to mind. It may be any, all, or none of these theories. Pick whichever one that fits your worldview. Please note that I have no special knowledge or ...


It's amazing, in this current age of superhero movies, how many people who sucked in one superhero movie would be great in another. Just off the top of my head, here's some examples: Chris Evans Anybody remember him in the first 2 Fantastic Four movies made by 20th Century Fox, when he was the Human Torch? No, because everyone remembers him as being the awesome Captain America. Ryan Reynolds Wasn't he in that dumb Green Lantern movie? I don't know. I can't recognize him in his amazing Deadpool movie ( currently the 2nd top grossing R-rated movie ever ). Ben Affleck Say what you will about Batman v Superman ( I know I have ) but everyone now pictures Ben Affleck as cool-as-fuck Batman and not dumb-as-hell Daredevil. Amazing how good an actor can be when he has a good director bringing out a good performance from him. Or when the actor is reading from a script written by writers who know what a good story is. If all these actors did was their first superhe...