A Perfect Storm

A particularly bad or critical state of affairs, arising from a number of negative and unpredictable factors. I know that starting out this article with the meaning of the title is pedantic and pretentious. But I also know that I don't particularly care. My reason is that this storm is a perfect counter to all the nonsense put out by trolls and idiots that say they don't want politics in the entertainment media they consume, whether it's video games, movies, music, books, etc. So, let's set the stage. Recently, Gal Gadot has stated that she would not play Wonder Woman again until Warner Bros. cancels all partnership with Brett Ratner. The link to the article is here . Okay, for those who don't know who Brett Ratner is, he is the director of the Rush Hour films, X-Men 3:The Last Stand, and the Hercules film starring The Rock that nobody saw. He has also been the subject of sexual harassment allegations. My default state is to believe the victims for obvio...