
Well, the last post was a bummer, so let's focus on something a little more fun. SF Debris puts out enjoyable videos about (mostly) science fiction media. His best videos, in my opinion, deal with Star Trek. He's recently begun to take on Star Trek: Discovery, which is good since I still refuse to pay $6 a month to see that show. So, I'm looking at his video about The Vulcan Hello episode when I noticed something around the 6 minute 42 second mark. In a memory flashback Michael Burnham (the protagonist of the show) remembers being in a Vulcan learning bowl at the Vulcan Science Academy. Now you can eat cereal & learn quantum mechanics at the same time! I thought, where did I see this before? And then I remembered... Yes, the 2009 Star Trek movie. Which actually cleared up one of the most glaring problems I had with the Discovery series so far. The producers have sworn up & down that this series is set in the Star Trek Prime universe, 10 years before Th...