Looking Back And Moving Forward Part 1

It is the year 2016...wait it's 2023? Where have I been all these years? Oh yeah, real life happened. I'm truly sorry about that. I fell off and only now am I coming back to try again. A lot of stuff happened in the interim, and boy do I wanna talk about that, but let's start off slow. We'll take a look at my old articles & see where I did well and where I made my mistakes. Maybe we can all learn some lessons along the way.

An Open Letter to the Games Industry: What a waste of time that was.Even if the AAA game industry ever read it, they would never have followed any of my suggestions. Not because of the merits (or lack thereof) of the suggestions, but because there would be no money to be made in following those suggestions. In fact, they leaned even further into the bad business decisions that made them tons of money but alienated their customers even more. Not that their customers ever actually stopped buying their products, but that's a separate issue.

All Eyes On: Bonnie Bon Bento: My first All Eyes On blog highlight. There were others so let me say I stand by all my recommendations. They are all good content, but I understand if they're not your thing. I want to do future highlights, but with an eye towards giving lesser-known content creators a chance in the sun.

Lack of Motivation: A corollary to my disgust with the games industry, to the point that I haven't bought a AAA games release for years, with a few exceptions. More and more though it seems like I'm playing games to cope with life more than any actual enjoyment I get out of games.

Apples to Oranges: How can an article age so well yet age so poorly? Lack of critical thinking skills, that's how. All I had to do was extend my distrust to CDProjektRed & the post would have aged better.

Knights of the Dinner Table: I still plan on reviewing the entire series, but I want to do this in youtube.

Tripping (Over) the Rift: Lame title. Oh yeah, referencing a show that 5 people saw when it first came out will work wonders for my credibility as a humorist. As for the Oculus Rift itself, well boy did that subject serve me well when VR took off, right? RIGHT?

Part 2 will be more of this. After that will be my plans for the future. Thanks for reading


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